Fish For Supper

Read by Kelsey Price

Many animals eat fish.
What other kinds of food do other animals eat.

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da gəla.

Page 2

Page 3

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da kʷikʷ.

Page 4

Page 5

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da c̓ixc̓ikʷ.

Page 6

Page 7

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da migʷad.

Page 8

Page 9

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da mayus.

Page 10

Page 11

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da xʷəmdi.

Page 12

Page 13

K̓ut̓ənx̌ qaʔi da c̓ikʷa.

Page 14

Page 15

Həm̓ap x̌a k̓utəla qaʔi dᶻaqʷax̌stala.

Page 16

Page 17


1.Mac̓ałi da k̓utəla, həm̓apƛes gəla?

2.C̓əm̓xidas x̌a wałdəm, həm̓apƛi.

3. Masi da gʷixsdəmas sa k̓utəla lax̌us k̓utənx̌a?

Inside Back Cover

Łok̓ʷimas k̓ik̓ak̓adəxʷsila 

Q̓inəmi da gəlgəʔomas həm̓ap x̌a k̓utəla. 

Mac̓ałi da ʔugʷala həm̓ayas sa ʔugʷala gəlgəʔomasi?

Back Cover

The books on this website are based on the 1st edition (2019) of the Lik'wala version of the Strong Readers series; © Strong Nations Publishing Inc. all rights are reserved and no reproduction of any kind is permitted.

The Laich-Kwil-Tach Nations gratefully acknowledge funding support from First People's Cultural Council and New Relationship Trust.