Friends Together

Read by Lisa Anwar

There are many things that we do with friends and family.
What are some activities that you do with your friends and family?

N̓əmokola ʔaƛələls qis yaq̓əntole.

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Page 3

C̓əlc̓əlkes sa məlməlba kʷikʷ, ʔaw̓əlxəy̓asi x̌ənc ʔik noqē.

Page 4

Page 5

N̓əmokola, ʔəwakəla laʔi da mənac̓i.

Page 6

Page 7

Ǧəlǧapołənox̌, ʔik̓ałənox̌ ninokē.

Page 8

Page 9

N̓əmokola, t̓əmcamēcuwi da mənac̓i.

Page 10

Page 11

Dənx̌ələnox̌, yəxʷamənox̌.

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Page 13

N̓əmokola, łok̓ʷimasi da n̓əmokola.

Page 14

Page 15

N̓əmmegənc lilqʷalaƛe, wilamənc ʔixq̓əlsəla le gənc dənx̌əla.

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1. ʔIki da n̓əmukʷnukʷ. ʔIk̓iqəlam̓as x̌us n̓in̓əmukʷ? 

2. C̓əmxʔidas x̌a wałdəm n̓əmokola.

3. Wigilas qe ʔik̓iqəlus λiλəλola?

Inside Back Cover

Q̓inəmənc ǧʷigilas λuwənc λiλəλola λuwənc n̓in̓əmukʷ.

Wigilas λuwus λiλəλola λuwus n̓in̓əmukʷ?

Back Cover

The books on this website are based on the 1st edition (2019) of the Lik'wala version of the Strong Readers series; © Strong Nations Publishing Inc. all rights are reserved and no reproduction of any kind is permitted.

The Laich-Kwil-Tach Nations gratefully acknowledge funding support from First People's Cultural Council and New Relationship Trust.