In Went Mouse

Read by Melanie Chickite

Animals like to make their homes in trees.
Is a tree is a good home for all animals?

Laʔēƛi Gigəyacaǧa.

Page 2

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Laʔēƛi Dəxdəxəluł.

Page 4

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Laʔēƛi aλanaʔēł.

Page 6

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Laʔēƛi Təʔminas.

Page 8

Page 9

Laʔēƛi Mayus.

Page 10

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Laʔēƛi C̓əlǧis.

Page 12

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Lawəlsi gigəyacaǧa.

Page 14

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1.    Nink̓iqəlam̓as qa ʔixʔakme da gigəyacaǧa x̌is gukʷ?

2.C̓əmxʔidas x̌a wałdəm lawəls?

3. Masʔənawisi la lawəlsi da gigəyacaǧa?

Inside Back Cover

K̓ʷənali da gəlgəʔomas ʔixʔak qis gukʷile lax̌a λos.

ʔixme da λos gukʷ qaʔi da wila gəlgəʔomas?

Back Cover

The books on this website are based on the 1st edition (2019) of the Lik'wala version of the Strong Readers series; © Strong Nations Publishing Inc. all rights are reserved and no reproduction of any kind is permitted.

The Laich-Kwil-Tach Nations gratefully acknowledge funding support from First People's Cultural Council and New Relationship Trust.