Hello! It is Spring!

Read by Melanie Chickite

The animals notice that spring is here so they tell Bear.
What do you see when spring arrives?

Niłi wəq̓es le k̓ʷas lax̌a ʔaƛi lax̌…

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Təminas k̓ʷax̌ƛala x̌a λoʔs.

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Niłi təminas le k̓ʷax̌ƛala lax̌a λoʔs lax̌…

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C̓awi le k̓ʷaʔstala lax̌a cəxʷc̓əmgwis.

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Niłi c̓awi le k̓ʷadᶻənwi x̌a cəxʷc̓əmgʷis lax̌….

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Musmus le λaxʷstala lax̌a wa.

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Musmus le qasənwi x̌a wa

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niłax̌ ƛ̓aʔi,

“Yo! Ləm̓ux̌ Q̓ʷax̌ʔənx̌a”

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1.Niłəl̓a gax̌ən λiλəǧəmm̓es sa gəlgəʔomas gəwala qis niłe lax̌ ƛ̓aʔi le q̓ʷax̌ənx̌a.

2.C̓əmxʔidas sa ʔugʷəmayasux̌ da k̓ak̓adəxʷsilayuwex̌.

3.C̓əmxʔidas sa wałdəm “Niłi”.

Inside Back Cover

La q̓ołʔaƛəla ləme la q̓ʷax̌ʔənx̌a, li da ʔugʷala gəlgaʔomas gəwala qis niłe ƛ̓aʔi.

Masus dugʷəłos le niłʔidi da q̓ʷax̌ənx̌?

Back Cover

The books on this website are based on the 1st edition (2019) of the Lik'wala version of the Strong Readers series; © Strong Nations Publishing Inc. all rights are reserved and no reproduction of any kind is permitted.

The Laich-Kwil-Tach Nations gratefully acknowledge funding support from First People's Cultural Council and New Relationship Trust.